And here we are. Demon movie number 3 in the Demonathon portion of Ferndale Public Library’s horror movie collection. A side note: Pretty soon, the horror section and all of the DVDs will be in alphabetical order making it not only easier for the staff and myself to locate our beloved movies, but also, you, the patron. That means that if there is anything that you see here that you think you want to check out, it’ll be MUCH easier to find in the future.
So. Okay, let’s get to it.
In the criminal justice system, demons are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The detectives, who investigate crime, and the psychiatrist dating the detective investigating the crime. This is their story.

And that about describes this week’s movie, 2015’s Demonic. Starring Maria Bello, Frank Grillo, Cody Horn, Dustin Milligan, Scott Mechlowicz, Megan Park, Aaron Yoo, and Alex Goode.
Okay. So. Here’s how it breaks down.
The story starts with Detective Lewis (Grillo) being called to the scene of a grisly mass murder in an old house where another grisly murder happened years ago. Apparently, someone took an ax to a whole lot of people, leaving only one man alive. Detective Lewis calls for backup, then calls his girlfriend, Dr. Klein(Bello) who happens to be a psychiatrist to interview the poor shaken up John(Milligan) and to piece together whatever happened.

So, through a series of flashbacks, John tells Dr. Klein what exactly happened which was just this:
John is having nightmares about his mom in the town murder house. John’s girlfriend, Michelle(Horn) and brother, Sam(Alex Goode), convince him that the way to get rid of the nightmares is to go to the murder house and face his fear...or something. In the meantime, they get to team up with Michelle’s ex-boyfriend, Bryan(Mechlowicz) and his ghost fighting crew.

Fast forward to everyone playing Ghosthunters in the murder house. Bryan spends most of the time being super insecure and aggro towards John because he’s the new boyfriend as opposed to doing things like taking appropriate precautions in an old abandoned house and making sure people are safe.

Things kind of jump back and forth from past to present as Detective Lewis tries to piece together the murders. John tells them that his girlfriend and Bryan are still alive and they have to find Bryan because he’s possessed and he’s the one that killed everybody.
Okay, so in the flashbacks, we see them experiencing little things. Closing doors, crucifixes turning upside down, normal, beginning of the movie demon stuff. Eventually some seriously messed up stuff starts to happen. A room spontaneously catches fire and Ghosthunter Jules(Park) gets pulled out of the room by an unseen force.

Here is the part where you will scream; “GET THE HELL OUT OF THE HOUSE STUPID!” They don’t, of course, because screw logic.
It’s not until they discover a ballerina music box that points to a rug in the next room (Yes, the next room. Don’t think about it too hard) where they find what appears to be a circle of Satan carved into the floor.

Now. It’s around this time that things get seriously messed up. They get the bright idea to use the circle of Satan to summon spirits to talk to them. Jules assures everyone that if they stay in the circle and stay connected to one another they’ll be fine. You can see where this is going, right?
Things are not fine. The house starts shaking, things start flying off walls, everyone runs screaming in different directions and Bryan gets possessed and goes Lizzy Borden on everyone.

At least, that’s John’s story anyway.
Now, I was going to post the twist to this story, but you’ll figure it out waaaayyy before anything starts to happen. I mean, I had it all worked out within John’s first five minutes of screen time, but I watch a lot of horror movies, so…yeah. I’ll leave it to you. Maybe it’s really a big surprise and I just watch way too many horror movies.
So, jewel or no jewel. Yeah, I mean, it wasn’t quite bad enough for a raspberry. I mean, the ending kind of made up for it…but not really since it was fairly obvious that’s the way the story was going. I mean, it was bad, but not that bad. Wasn’t that good, either. I’ll give it a Pink Diamond.

Heh. Shout out to my Steven Universe peeps. The show is bomb, right now, right?? ;)
So, next week is Darling. Looks very college, Indie film, which doesn’t mean it’s bad. There’s lots of good Indie Horror out there, so I’m looking forward to it.
-- O~
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